45 Chemins des Castors Quartier Saint Antoine 06130 Grasse
How to find us?
At the exit of the provisional end of the expressway coming from Cannes and the A8 , take at the first roundabout (of the still), the first on the right (direction Auribeau - Pégomas). In the descent, take the first right, direction St Antoine. First building on the right at 50m.
At the "4 chemins" roundabout, take the direction of Auribeau-Pégomas. At the roundabout of the alembic, take opposite on the bridge, direction Auribeau- Pegomas. In the descent, take the first right, direction St Antoine. First building on the right at 50m.
From the Napoleon road, cross Grasse in the direction of Cannes. At the "4 chemins" roundabout, follow direction Auribeau-Pégomas. At the Alambic roundabout, go straight on, then in the descent, take the road on the right. First building on the right.
Looking forward to welcoming you and meeting you very soon!
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