Wild Strawberry Syrup, 25cl


Wild Strawberries syrup provides a rare sensation: that of biting into a ripe strawberry with a juicy and sweet taste.

In the great tradition of Provence, it will give all the fruity flavours of the South to your drinks, all your desserts and fruit salads….



Handcrafted product, bottle of 25 cl.

Ingredients: cane sugar, water, strawberries natural flavour (wild strawberries) 0.8%.

Tasting suggestions:
– Traditional: 1 volume of syrup for 5 to 7 volumes of water or lemonade.
– In kir with a dry white wine or a sparkling wine.
– As a topping on balls of ice cream, on a pancake…
– Mixed in a milk drink, to sweeten fruit salads, yoghurts, cottage cheese or Swiss cheese.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Additional information

Weight 0.65 kg


  1. Jincar

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  2. opsnpadub

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